
Wildlife animals are typically harmless out in the woods but if they invade your property, you should contact us and we can help determine if the issue requires pest control intervention. Our team at Sudbury Pest Solutions is equipped to deal with wildlife animals including squirrels, opposums, skunks, and other animals.

Squirrels are small to medium-sized rodents that are found in many parts of the world. They have bushy tails, sharp claws for climbing, and are known for their ability to store food in the fall to help them survive the winter.

Squirrels can be cute and entertaining to watch in their natural habitat, but they can actually become a nuisance if they decide to infest your home.

Here are some ways that squirrels can infest your home:

  1. Nesting in your attic: Squirrels are skilled climbers and can easily enter your home through small openings in your roof or walls. Once inside, they may build nests in your attic or other areas of your home where they can cause damage and leave droppings.
  2. Chewing on electrical wiring: Squirrels have strong teeth and may chew on electrical wiring in your home, which can be a serious fire hazard.
  3. Damage to insulation: Squirrels may use insulation material to build their nests, which can damage the insulation and reduce its effectiveness.
Can opossums cause problems?

Opossums are a type of wildlife that can cause issues around homes and other buildings. While they are generally harmless and can even be beneficial in controlling pests like insects and rodents, they can become a nuisance if they start causing damage or getting into unwanted areas. 

    Skunks sticking around?

    Skunks can be a problem and potentially dangerous if they are found around homes and other buildings. It’s important to determine where the skunks are living and what is attracting them to your property. This may involve checking for holes or burrows in the ground, looking for food sources like garbage or pet food left outside, and checking for any structural damage to your home or other buildings. If you continue to struggle with skunks, givec us a call!

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    Issues with Bats?

    Dealing with a bat infestation can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to safely and effectively remove the bats from your property. We can help with the following:

    1. Seal entry points: Bats can enter through very small gaps or openings, so it’s important to seal all potential entry points in your home or building. This includes sealing cracks in walls, closing off vents, and installing mesh screens over openings.
    2. Use exclusion devices: Once you’ve sealed all entry points, you can install exclusion devices to allow bats to leave your property but prevent them from re-entering. These devices typically consist of one-way doors or netting placed over the entry points.
    3. Prevent future infestations: To prevent future bat infestations, it’s important to maintain your property and regularly inspect for any potential entry points. 

    It’s important to note that bats are protected by law in many areas, so it’s important to check with local authorities.